Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Blog #9: Compare/Contrast

Life Water vs. Vitamin Water

Both of these drinks are healthy alternatives to soda, and have a variety of colors and flavors.  But how does the design make them different?

Life water- Life water gives more of a animalistic feel.  With a lizard practically crawling up the bottle, it almost feels as though when you drink it you will be part of "life" or part of nature; hence, the name of the drink.  The bottle has curves in it, with the design like a twist.  This design almost gives the bottle a better grip-format, making the person drink more comfortably.  The colors on the drink look almost tie-dye and make the bottle look fun.  This bottle has a colorful, fun, innovative design.  The outside appearance of the drink covers the actual liquid itself so you can not see through the bottle.  There are many different elements to the bottle keeping the person drinking it interested.  The title of Life water is written across, with "life" bolded.

Vitamin Water- The design of Vitamin Water is extremely structured and simple.  With a wide shape it keeps a somewhat geometrical appearance.  Also, there is only three colors ever included in the design.   Usually it is black, white, and the color that matches the color of the drink.  The drink can be seen through the bottle, and that is where most of the color is shown, it is translucent unlike Life Water.  For newer zero calorie type of Vitamin Water, the colors vary.  Yet, the design is still simple.  Unlike the Life water, the colors are in one place and do not blend into a tie-dye form.  The text is easy to read and structured, and actually includes a humorous story.  Each flavor represents a part of health and the story goes along with that, keeping the person drinking it occupied and possibly laughing.  Also, opposite of Life Water, Vitamin Water is written up the side, with "vitamin" bolded.

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